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Nipissing's Muskoka campus offering new ECE program

Nipissing's Muskoka campus offering new ECE program

Nipissing University News Release ***************************** Starting this September, Early Childhood Education graduates can get a leg up and earn Bachelor of Arts degree (BA) and a bachelor of education degree (BEd) concurrently on Nipissing Uni
Mattawa Figure Skating Club hosting giant yard sale

Mattawa Figure Skating Club hosting giant yard sale

Mattawa Figure Skating Club News Release ******************** On Saturday May 2 and Sunday May 3, 2008 the Mattawa Figure Skating Club in cooperation with the Town of Mattawa will be hosting their 2nd annual Community Yard Sale Fundraiser.
Callander Horticultural Society hosting a number of events

Callander Horticultural Society hosting a number of events

Callander Horticultural Society News Release ******************** The Callander Horticultural Society is holding the following events at the Callander Community Centre, Swale Street in Callander: May 20, 2009, Wednesday, Callander Horticultural Socie
Annual Blue Sea ATV Poker Run Reminder

Annual Blue Sea ATV Poker Run Reminder

Bonfield & District Lions Club News Release ******************** The Bonfield & District Lions Club Is Holding Their 7th Annual Blue Sea ATV Fundraiser & Poker Run on Saturday, May 2nd 2009.
Hey kids ... Jungle Cat World returns to North Bay

Hey kids ... Jungle Cat World returns to North Bay

The North Bay - Mattawa Conservation Authority News Release ******************** A two month old tiger cub, a cougar, reptiles, and several birds of prey will be calling North Bay home next week as part of the North Bay - Mattawa Conservation Authori
Uncovering our history

Uncovering our history

Brette Roberston of Ecole Publique Odyssée talks about her project on Canadian Immigration. Students had a ‘blast presenting the past’ at the 4th annual Nipissing regional Historica fair.
Near North Board and ETFO ratify agreement

Near North Board and ETFO ratify agreement

Near North District School Board News Release ******************** The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) Near North Teachers’ Local and the Near North District School Board have ratified their four year collective agreement.
Canadore hands out layoff notices

Canadore hands out layoff notices

Reports indicate that Canadore College is the latest employer to hand out layoff notices. Officials say three faculty members received notice of layoff as a result of five program cancellations due to lack of interest.
North Bay still free from Mexican Flu

North Bay still free from Mexican Flu

As health officials in British Columbia confirm the first case of human-to-human spread of Swine (Mexican)Flu acting Medical Officer of Health Dr Jim Chirico confirmed once again that there are no current cases in the area.
Do you support CBC Northeast Radio?

Do you support CBC Northeast Radio?

File Photo. The North Bay petition to support keeping CBC Northeast Radio as a strong regional public broadcaster will be available at the North Bay Waterfront and Northgate Shopping Center this week for signatures.