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OPINION: Waterfront Plan has Millions in 'Unknown' costs

OPINION: Waterfront Plan has Millions in 'Unknown' costs

I think most people can get behind a splash pad and a skating trail and increased lighting for safety, but other items have brought up strong feelings for and against the plan's implementation such as whether or not to repair or replace Kings Landing and whether or not to sink tens of millions of dollars into the downtown
Will seat belts make buses safer?

Will seat belts make buses safer?

“If you had a full bus, how long would it take you to undo 72 seat belts?”  
Don't put away that jacket just yet

Don't put away that jacket just yet

Brief, intense snowfall is expected to develop under the snow squall and visibility will be significantly reduced due to the heavy snow
Former city managing director passes away

Former city managing director passes away

“Steve was Incredibly smart and served our community so well,”
Battalion finish last in attendance

Battalion finish last in attendance

“We recognize that there’s work to be done in growing attendance back to previous levels.”
Sharers rather than authors more important on social media

Sharers rather than authors more important on social media

Facebook was the top non-television source for election news cited by both supporters of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in last fall's presidential campaign
Another movie being shot in North Bay is looking for extras

Another movie being shot in North Bay is looking for extras

The production of “Christmas Inheritance” is being filmed in the city from March 24th to April 8th. 
B & E victim tells cops not to charge intruder

B & E victim tells cops not to charge intruder

Officers investigated and learned there had been a dispute between two men about some money that had been lost, then found but not returned
Man accused of pointing a replica handgun faces several charges

Man accused of pointing a replica handgun faces several charges

After speaking with the man and observing signs of intoxication, the officer arrested him for his own safety
Help our hospital, demands Fedeli of Wynne

Help our hospital, demands Fedeli of Wynne

Staff wage increases, benefits, and escalating hydro costs means the hospital will be unable to balance its upcoming budget