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Local News

Bonfield gets $150,000

Bonfield gets $150,000

Ontario Trillium Foundation representative Mary Lou Arrowsmith, Agriculture Society spokesman Jean Chaput and Nipissing MPP Monique Smith celebrate receipt of a $150,000 Ontario Trillium Grant for Agridome upgrades.
A sign of the times

A sign of the times

For the second time in the past few months volunteers of the Davedi Club on Airport Road arrived at the club to find someone had changed their marquis.
No active fires in the region

No active fires in the region

MNR News Release ********************** East Fire Region situation update for August 12th as of 9:30am.
Police still searching for missing girl Picture

Police still searching for missing girl Picture

North Bay Police News Release ******************* The North Bay Police Service is currently seeking anyone with the knowledge of the whereabouts of Debbie Kalleo.
Everything about the city is a contradiction

Everything about the city is a contradiction

Maureen (l) and Jerri Clout at the International AIDS Conference in Mexico. Photo provided by Maureen Clout. The sun is rising over the mountains and already the smog is in the air but the beauty of this city remains with me. It takes my breath away.
Don't be a victim of funny money

Don't be a victim of funny money

The North Bay Police Service would like to invite the community to a Counterfeit Presentation being held tonight the 11th of August at 6:00PM in the lower lecture room at Headquarters, 135 Princess St. W.
Eviction leads to assault charges

Eviction leads to assault charges

North Bay Police News Release ******************* On the 8th of August at approximately 10:30PM, Csts.
Local woman charged with assault

Local woman charged with assault

North Bay Police News Release ******************* On the 9th of August at approximately 3:00AM, Cst. Jason Long of the North Bay Police Service responded to an incident on Main St. E in front of a local bar.
Laptop taken in break and enter

Laptop taken in break and enter

North Bay Police News Release ******************* Overnight on the 8th of August it is alleged that a residence on Michener St. was broken into through a front sliding window by cutting the screen. A laptop was stolen and alcohol was consumed.
More waterspout pics

More waterspout pics

BayToday readers Lynn Maurice Ouellette captured the following images of the waterspout on Lake Nipissing Saturday evening from Sandy Island looking towards Jocko Point.