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Another story about people abandoning unwanted cats and kittens in the country prompted this column about a cat I know. A friend has a small furry house pet ( felis catus ) that she calls Felix.
My Fault Insurance

My Fault Insurance

I was speaking with an acquaintance the other day and she commented how she enjoyed a trip to the Casino. As usual, she came away a winner. In fact, I have never heard her say that she lost money. Sometimes she says she ‘broke even’.
Electricity rate changes

Electricity rate changes

The November 25 announcement by the Minister of Energy was a first step in bringing stability to Ontario’s electricity system. The changes should encourage investment that will assure long-term supply of electricity for Ontario.


I hereby offer my services to North Bay Council as a secret agent. I will work undercover to solve their budget woes. I will fill their coffers to overflowing.
Profitization of Public Services

Profitization of Public Services

Much has been said about the privatization of public services in the past Provincial and Municipal elections. With new councils about to begin budget reviews, it may be timely to look again at contracting.
Wars Never End

Wars Never End

The frightening acrid stench of mustard gas has almost dissipated from Granddad’s foggy mind. He is one of the few old men who remain of those who struggled stupidly for King and Country through the boot-sucking mud of the Great War.
Mélange à quatre

Mélange à quatre

The recent ‘meet the candidates night’ with mayoralty hopefuls, Bennett, Fedeli, Marceau and Wright, left me with as many questions as answers.
Fraught with danger

Fraught with danger

In the past month I’ve heard “Fraught with Danger” three times. Fraught is a word that we seldom use anymore, so to hear it so often roused my curiosity.
Road Worriers

Road Worriers

The Road Worriers are citizens (mostly retirees) who are worried about the continual deterioration of our roads. They are tired of the bumps and holes. They are also, I suspect, the kids who played with Tonka toys in their formative years.
Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Hans Blix couldn’t find them. The US military couldn’t find them. But George Dubyah knew what he was looking for all along. The Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) were right under the noses of the CIA and MI6, cleverly disguised in a code word.