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Iraqi Election

Iraqi Election

Prime Minister Paul Martin has generously offered George Bush to send Canadian officials to Iraq to assist in monitoring the January election. Whoa Paul, let us think about this for a minute.
Bring back the Bomarcs

Bring back the Bomarcs

Dear Mr George Bush: We folk in North Bay have a great deal for you! We've been following your country's Missile Defensive Initiative for some time now and we just realized there is a precedent for being a partner with you in your effort to secure th
Fundamentally wrong

Fundamentally wrong

The recent successful appeal to the right-wing Christian fundamentalists in the United States election brings to the fore the question of the role of religion in politics.
Our winter birds

Our winter birds

The small flock of American Goldfinches (spinus tristis) that have been eating about $10 worth of niger seeds a week at my feeders have finally departed.
Report Card – Year One

Report Card – Year One

City council has been in office for almost a year so it is time for their annual report card. It has been a busy year, marked by a few controversies, some squabbles as old and new councillors settled into their roles.
The Amorphous Party

The Amorphous Party

The gods held another costume party Tuesday last, called on the pretext of celebrating the electoral win by one of their earthly clerics. It was just another in the never-ending parties that the gods hold to pass time.
Diesel Revelation

Diesel Revelation

We have all heard ad nauseam about the high price of gasoline, especially the unexplained prices in North Bay. But last week it was the price of diesel fuel that finally brought home to me the coming crisis.
Diesel Revelation

Diesel Revelation

We have all heard ad nauseam about the high price of gasoline, especially the unexplained prices in North Bay. But last week it was the price of diesel fuel that finally brought home to me the coming crisis.
Ghosts of 1951

Ghosts of 1951

What we wanted to do was scare the hell out of old ‘Fire and Brimstone’ Hodgkin’s, the United Church minister.
Health Care, Self Care

Health Care, Self Care

The ever-increasing cost of health care was certainly evident in past weeks as the Federal government and the Provincial governments promised to spend more dollars in an effort to shorten wait times and provide better health care for us all.