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Close Encounters

Close Encounters

Brand loyalty, or even political loyalty, has no comparison to a man’s loyalty to his barber. I speak from the old school, those who get hair cuts. I freely profess to know nothing about the loyalty of those men who get their hair styled.
Bar Harbour Run Off

Bar Harbour Run Off

Too many years ago a group of us on motorcycles took a trip to the East coast, a trip on which we planned to use the ferry at Bar Harbour, Maine to take us to Nova Scotia.
In transition

In transition

Mayor Vic’s new way of doing business paid a big dividend last week when he found a way to provide free bus passes for a year to veterans of WWII and the Korean War.
Pea Pea Pea

Pea Pea Pea

Somehow the title ‘PPP’ (Public Private Partnerships) did not work for me. Pee Pee Pee would have the PC thinking this was not in good taste, akin to potty humour.
For Flag and Country

For Flag and Country

North Bay city council took two steps last week that stoked the fires of nationalism. In an unanimous voice they approved the placing of an Italian flag in Lee Park as requested by the Davedi Club.
To knee, or not to knee

To knee, or not to knee

To knee, or not to knee: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The pangs and pains of injuries and arthritis Or to take action with a surgeon against a sea of pain, And by opposing it, end it.
Missile Shields

Missile Shields

Ever since we first began slinging rocks and shooting arrows at each other we have tried different defences against these weapons falling from space.
Forensic Audit

Forensic Audit

The numerous calls for a Forensic Audit at the North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority are certainly an understandable reaction from citizens concerned about the financial mess.
Rule By Law

Rule By Law

Mayor Vic breathed an audible sigh of relief Tuesday evening as the vote was taken on a new bylaw forbidding the feeding of birds in posted areas.


SHADSRUS Limited, (12300678 1/2 Ontario Inc) is pleased to announce that approval has been received from the Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs for the following products to be manufactured in North Bay, Ontario: Lake Nipissing Shad Fish Attr