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Diesel Revelation

Diesel Revelation

We have all heard ad nauseam about the high price of gasoline, especially the unexplained prices in North Bay. But last week it was the price of diesel fuel that finally brought home to me the coming crisis.
Diesel Revelation

Diesel Revelation

We have all heard ad nauseam about the high price of gasoline, especially the unexplained prices in North Bay. But last week it was the price of diesel fuel that finally brought home to me the coming crisis.
Ghosts of 1951

Ghosts of 1951

What we wanted to do was scare the hell out of old ‘Fire and Brimstone’ Hodgkin’s, the United Church minister.
Health Care, Self Care

Health Care, Self Care

The ever-increasing cost of health care was certainly evident in past weeks as the Federal government and the Provincial governments promised to spend more dollars in an effort to shorten wait times and provide better health care for us all.
Thanksgiving Rooster

Thanksgiving Rooster

The year we ate Red, my pet rooster, for thanksgiving is right up there with the best of the neuroses that I have accumulated over the years.


I was propped up in bed reading Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls . Chichikov sat in the public house, wining and dining the upper crust of N., hoping to buy their dead souls. Sitting in a dark corner of the bar, was Deep Throat, my contact at City Hall.


When does incompetence become criminal? How far can incompetence go before someone blows the whistle and takes action, either through the courts or by other means? Webster defines incompetence as: (1) without adequate ability, knowledge, fitness; fai
Cuba Libra

Cuba Libra

As hurricane Ivan was approaching the island of Cuba, an American television reporter was interviewing people who had relatives living in Cuba.
Pride of Workmanship

Pride of Workmanship

I recently had occasion to witness a couple of examples of shoddy workmanship. In both cases, it was not tradesmen who did not have the experience or knowledge to do their work, but seemingly a carelessness or lack of pride in their work.
Otter Lake

Otter Lake

Memo to Mayor and Council: Can you hold off on the proposed sale of Otter Lake property until you consider this possible scenario? In my February 29 column, “If I had a Million Dollars” I suggested that developing the Otter Lake property as a residen