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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Growing old sucks

LETTER: Growing old sucks

'On the personal front, my body has been telling me to slow down, yet I cannot. Debt needs to be paid'
LETTER: Bad sidewalks mean wheelchairs and scooters must use the road

LETTER: Bad sidewalks mean wheelchairs and scooters must use the road

'Most are cracked and have huge uneven areas that can catch tires and do some damage to our modes of transportation'
LETTER: Local hospital wait times are too long

LETTER: Local hospital wait times are too long

'An Indian Immigrant couple with FLU symptoms said that it was far better in their third-world country of India. They left without attention after 8 hours'
LETTER: Royal Bank should take better care of its Callander customers

LETTER: Royal Bank should take better care of its Callander customers

'They should be regulated by the Federal Government to service their customers in a sensible fashion'
LETTER: Four months holidays? And in one stretch?

LETTER: Four months holidays? And in one stretch?

What is it that you do actually, besides arguing with each other?
LETTER: Keep children AWAY from lawn mowers!

LETTER: Keep children AWAY from lawn mowers!

The operator was unaware of my presence and backed up, not realizing I had stumbled and fallen behind the lawn mower. I was rushed to the hospital where doctors had to amputate my right arm above the elbow and part of my left hand
LETTER: Wrong for Health Unit to pursue business owner says reader

LETTER: Wrong for Health Unit to pursue business owner says reader

'While billion-dollar hardware stores like Home Depot and Lowes were freely allowed to sell flooring, paints etc. Alexandra Stewart’s long-time small business was not allowed to do the exact same thing'
LETTER: Introduction to Pickleball a wonderful recreational option

LETTER: Introduction to Pickleball a wonderful recreational option

'I’m happy to endorse pickleball wholeheartedly. I look forward to playing with my kids and perhaps even watching local tournaments featuring our elite players'
LETTER: Where have all the roadway line paintings gone?

LETTER: Where have all the roadway line paintings gone?

'What's going on? Why aren't the lines there?'
LETTER: Pints or better services?

LETTER: Pints or better services?

'It's no secret that Premier Ford seems more interested in fast-tracking the sale of beer into corner stores than addressing the pressing needs of Ontarians, such as affordable housing, properly funded public schools and daycare, and more than adequate public healthcare'