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Jessica Smith Cross

Jessica Smith Cross

Jessica Smith Cross began her career in local news, reporting for Metro newspapers in five Canadian cities, as well as for CTV, the Guelph Mercury and the Turtle Island News. She made the leap to political journalism in 2016 but frequently looks back. Prior to the Trillium, she was the editor-in-chief of iPolitics and Queen's Park Briefing.

Recent Work by Jessica

LCBO workers set to strike as union demands changes to corner store booze plan

LCBO workers set to strike as union demands changes to corner store booze plan

Union leaders warned of a 'hot, dry summer' ahead if a deal isn't reached by July 5
Your Ontario health care experiences: ‘Huge wait times. Poor quality care’

Your Ontario health care experiences: ‘Huge wait times. Poor quality care’

'Our government is not OK with that status quo,' says a spokesperson for the Health minister
Support for alcohol sales in Ontario corner stores tanks if it comes with a cost: poll

Support for alcohol sales in Ontario corner stores tanks if it comes with a cost: poll

Whether it's a billion-dollar boozedoggle or a quarter of that, Ontarians' support for the opening up of the alcohol market declines as the projected cost rises, a new poll shows
'Billion-dollar' boozedoggle? How much speeding up alcohol sales in corner stores may cost

'Billion-dollar' boozedoggle? How much speeding up alcohol sales in corner stores may cost

The Ford government says the true cost won't be known until people are buying more drinks from grocery and convenience stores instead of the LCBO, but one of the opposition parties hazarded a guess
Wine, beer, ready-to-drink booze coming sooner to more Ontario stores

Wine, beer, ready-to-drink booze coming sooner to more Ontario stores

Grocery and convenience stores will be able to heavily discount — or hike — the price of alcoholic drinks under new rules coming sooner than expected
Small municipality vows legal action over hospital's in-patient bed closure

Small municipality vows legal action over hospital's in-patient bed closure

The mayor of West Grey is getting a Bay Street law firm involved in his community's fight to save its hospital services
Doug Ford’s PCs hold Milton in hard-fought byelection

Doug Ford’s PCs hold Milton in hard-fought byelection

Meanwhile, voters in the solidly blue riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex elected Progressive Conservative Steve Pinsonneault
Frequently closed rural Ontario emergency department faces uncertain future

Frequently closed rural Ontario emergency department faces uncertain future

Patient volumes have dropped off at the Chesley emergency department because of reduced hours and unplanned closures
Retiring judge warns of 'significant damage to the justice system' from Ford's comments on judicial appointments

Retiring judge warns of 'significant damage to the justice system' from Ford's comments on judicial appointments

Justice David Doherty said judges should be 'like-minded' in striving to meet the public's expectations of justice — not in allegiance with political leaders
Ontario to retroactively ban lien used in 'virtual home invasions': Minister

Ontario to retroactively ban lien used in 'virtual home invasions': Minister

To defeat increasing fraud, the Ontario government will retroactively ban Notices of Security Interest in the land registry system
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