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Debris falls from supertall NYC skyscraper; no one injured

Debris falls from supertall NYC skyscraper; no one injured

NEW YORK — Debris fell from a supertall skyscraper nearing completion in New York City as the top of a crane spun in the wind Thursday evening, but no one was injured, officials said.
Woman goes to prison over powder sent to Sen. Susan Collins

Woman goes to prison over powder sent to Sen. Susan Collins

BANGOR, Maine — A woman convicted of mailing a letter containing powder to the Maine home of U.S. Sen. Susan Collins was sentenced Thursday to 30 months in prison. U.S. District Judge Lance E.
UN chief has plan for eventual peacekeeping exit from Congo

UN chief has plan for eventual peacekeeping exit from Congo

TANZANIA, Tanzania — Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has proposed a plan with benchmarks that would allow the more than 18,000-strong U.N. peacekeeping force in Congo to progressively transfer its activities to Congolese authorities.
Trump's diversity training order faces lawsuit

Trump's diversity training order faces lawsuit

NEW YORK — Three civil rights groups filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging President Donald Trump's executive order that prohibits federal agencies, contractors and grant recipients from offering certain diversity training that the president deems “an
Trump fights headwinds as he and Biden battle over Florida

Trump fights headwinds as he and Biden battle over Florida

TAMPA, Fla. — Pressing against stiff headwinds from the pandemic, President Donald Trump steered toward what he hoped was safer political ground with the U.S.
Minnesota SOS: Too late to mail ballots -- but not to vote

Minnesota SOS: Too late to mail ballots -- but not to vote

MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesota's secretary of state said Thursday it's too late for voters to mail back their absentee ballots if they want to make sure their votes count, after an appeals court ruling indicated that mail-in ballots arriving after Election
Coronavirus dims Mexico's bright Day of the Dead celebration

Coronavirus dims Mexico's bright Day of the Dead celebration

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s Day of the Dead celebration this weekend won’t be the same in a year so marked by death, in a country where more than 90,000 people have died of COVID-19.
Ex-embassy worker suspected of sexually assaulting 24 women

Ex-embassy worker suspected of sexually assaulting 24 women

SAN DIEGO — A former U.S. embassy worker in Mexico is believed to have drugged and sexually assaulted as many as two dozen women, filming many of them while they were unconscious, according to federal prosecutors.
China's leaders vow to become self-reliant technology power

China's leaders vow to become self-reliant technology power

BEIJING — China’s leaders are vowing to make their country a self-reliant “technology power” as a feud with Washington cuts access to U.S. computer chips and other high-tech components, hampering Beijing’s industrial ambitions.
Police who shot Wallace were improperly trained, family says

Police who shot Wallace were improperly trained, family says

PHILADELPHIA — The footage from body-worn cameras that was taken as police responded to a call about Walter Wallace Jr.