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World News

Huge Puerto Rico radio telescope, already damaged, collapses

Huge Puerto Rico radio telescope, already damaged, collapses

ARECIBO, Puerto Rico — A huge, already damaged radio telescope in Puerto Rico that has played a key role in astronomical discoveries for more than half a century has now completely collapsed.
China's space ambitions: Robot on Mars, a human on the moon

China's space ambitions: Robot on Mars, a human on the moon

BEIJING — China’s landing of its third probe on the moon is part of an increasingly ambitious space program that has a robot rover en route to Mars, is developing a reusable space plane and is planning to put humans back on the lunar surface.
German city grieves after 5 killed in pedestrian zone attack

German city grieves after 5 killed in pedestrian zone attack

BERLIN — Residents of Trier placed flowers and lit candles at the base of the southwestern German city's landmark Roman gate Wednesday in tribute to the five people who were killed and more than a dozen others injured when a man sped an SUV through a
Austria to allow Christmas skiing but many restrictions stay

Austria to allow Christmas skiing but many restrictions stay

VIENNA — Austria will allow skiing to start on Dec. 24, but will limit the capacity of ski lifts and keep restaurants, bars and hotels largely closed until early January, officials said Wednesday.
EU looks forward to Biden resetting trans-Atlantic relations

EU looks forward to Biden resetting trans-Atlantic relations

BRUSSELS — The European Union is grasping the imminent arrival of the Biden administration as a key moment to reset relations with the United States after four years of trans-Atlantic acrimony.
US lawmakers unveil anti-slavery constitutional amendment

US lawmakers unveil anti-slavery constitutional amendment

NEW YORK — National lawmakers introduced a joint resolution Wednesday aimed at striking language from the U.S. Constitution that enshrines a form of slavery in America’s foundational documents.
US envoy: Afghan, Taliban team ready to set talks agenda

US envoy: Afghan, Taliban team ready to set talks agenda

ISLAMABAD — The U.S. envoy who brokered the ongoing peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban said Wednesday the two sides have overcome a three-month impasse and agreed on rules and procedures for the negotiations.
Rage and hope fuel women's revolt over abortion in Poland

Rage and hope fuel women's revolt over abortion in Poland

WARSAW, Poland — Karolina Micula had used her bare chest in political protest once before.
UN calls on humanity to end 'war on nature,' go carbon-free

UN calls on humanity to end 'war on nature,' go carbon-free

As an extreme year for hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves comes to an end, the head of the United Nations challenged world leaders to make 2021 the year that humanity ends its “war on nature” and commits to a future free of planet-warming carbon po
Midday fireball, boom thrill gazers from Ontario to Virginia

Midday fireball, boom thrill gazers from Ontario to Virginia

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — A noontime boom that was heard and felt from southern Ontario to Virginia was likely caused by a disintegrating meteor, according to an organization in western New York that keeps track of such phenomena.