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School's Out! Hello Summer!

News Release ******************* School’s Out! Hello Summer! Today is the last day of the school year. For children, this means more time to play, be it playing ball games, running and playing hide-and-seek, riding a bicycle, or skipping rope.

News Release


School’s Out! Hello Summer!

Today is the last day of the school year. For children, this means more time to play, be it playing ball games, running and playing hide-and-seek, riding a bicycle, or skipping rope.


Notice to motorists

The North Bay Police Service reminds motorists to be watchful for children, who may not be aware of the dangers of playing on the roads of our neighborhoods. Please slow down in areas where children are playing and share the road with cyclists.


Bicycle Helmets and the Law

By law, every cyclist under age 18 must wear an approved helmet. For cyclists under 16 years old, a parent or guardian must make sure their child wears a helmet. The charge for failing to wear a proper helmet is $80. Helmets are not compulsory for adults 18 and over. However, a helmet can greatly reduce the risk of permanent injury or death if you fall or collide with a vehicle. Police strongly recommend that all riders wear helmets. The best helmets are made to meet strict safety standards and fit properly when worn correctly.


Know the 2V1 rule for fitting bicycle helmets. Put the helmet on the head so that it is not tilting backwards or forwards. Then use the 2V1 rule: two-finger distance from helmet to eyebrow; V-shape straps around each ear; and one finger between chin and fastened strap