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News Release *************** The eight French-language Catholic School Boards in Ontario won a BRAVO! Award at the 30 th annual conference of the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE), held in Québec.

News Release


The eight French-language Catholic School Boards in Ontario won a BRAVO! Award at the 30th annual conference of the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE), held in Québec.

This Award of Excellence was received for the joint campaign of the Regroupement des agents de communications catholiques de l’Ontario (RACCO). The goal of this campaign was to better inform the public of the added value of French-language Catholic education in Ontario, as well as incite staff, students and parents to display their pride and engagement towards this system. A Facebook page was created during Catholic Education Week, which reached a large number of people:

The success of this project is attributed to the sustained collaboration between:


Ø  Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre‐Est

Ø  Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières

Ø  Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel‐Ontario

Ø  Conseil scolaire catholique Franco‐Nord

Ø  Conseil scolaire catholique Providence

Ø  Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre‐Sud

Ø  Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien

Ø  Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales


BRAVO! Awards underline the excellent work of individuals or organizations in regards to communication in education. Submissions must describe the research, implementation and evaluation of the project in order to qualify. CACE is a Canadian professional bilingual association and their goal is to encourage excellence in the field of educational communications. With effective communication, CACE members contribute to the success of students.