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Ride For DAD set to roll

Ride For DAD set to roll

The Nipissing Chapter of ‘Motorcycle Ride For DAD’ is set to let the rubber hit the road again following the official launch of the 2nd Annual Ride For Dad event this past Saturday at Northgate Shopping Centre.
Holds family at knife point

Holds family at knife point

North Bay Police Service News Release ************************* On the 19th of April during the evening hours it is alleged that a man held a family at bay with a knife within a North Bay home. Csts.
City man charged with attempted murder

City man charged with attempted murder

North Bay Police Service News Release ************************* On the 17th of April shortly before midnight it is alleged that a man broke a window to a home on Michener Dr. and entered the residence.
Argument leads to assault charges

Argument leads to assault charges

North Bay Police Service News Release ************************* On the 18th of April during the evening hours it is alleged that a small group of people attended a residence within the city and attempted to get some belongings.
Man accused of stealing beer

Man accused of stealing beer

North Bay Police Service News Release ************************* On the 17 April at approximately 9:30 PM it is alleged that a male attacked another male within a North Bay residence.
M&M Meat Shops set to host 21st annual Charity BBQ

M&M Meat Shops set to host 21st annual Charity BBQ

M&M Meat Shops News Release ******************** On Saturday, May 9th, 2009, M&M Meat Shops will celebrate its 21st annual Charity BBQ Day at more than 470 locations across Canada.
Tranplanting, Dividing & Propagation

Tranplanting, Dividing & Propagation

Heritage Gardeners News Release ************************ Heritage Gardeners Education Night: Tranplanting, Dividing & Propagation Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:00-8:00 P.M. Location: North Bay Public Library 271 Worthington St. E.
22 Wing members do North Bay proud

22 Wing members do North Bay proud

Photos provided. Recently Five members of 22 Wing/Canadian Forces Base (CFB) North Bay traveled to Toronto and did North Bay and the men and women in the Canadian Military proud by presenting the colours at the Toronto Blue Jays home opener.
i-design '09

i-design '09

The 2009 graduating class of Graphic Designers is hosting 'i-design '09' and open house to showcase what the students have created during their tenure at Canadore College.
14 teams moving on to Skills Ontario in Waterloo

14 teams moving on to Skills Ontario in Waterloo

Skills Canada – Ontario News Release ************************* Skills Canada – Ontario is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the development of youth and the prosperity of industry in Ontario.