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Voyageur Days financially stable

Even with two thousand wristbands still up for grabs, Voyageur Days organizer Jacques Begin is still pleased with wristband sales thus far.

Even with two thousand wristbands still up for grabs, Voyageur Days organizer Jacques Begin is still pleased with wristband sales thus far.

He says close to 400 have been sold in the past week and he is confident last minute concert goers will show up come July 25th.

“We really think weather had a thing to do with it, not only the long winter, but what is happening at other festivals in the region, people would rather take a chance and buy at the door, which is what we’re thinking. Rather than losing the 40, they’re going to lose the five bucks.”

Begin adds they have a healthy reserve fund that can absorb any loss at this point, meaning Mattawa taxpayers will not be on the hook if tickets sales slowdown as the festival approaches.

“We’ve had a reserve for about 15 years, some years we make money, some years we lose a bit of money. Two years ago we made 50,000, last year we lost 20,000 because of the rain, so we do have a reserve fund.”

Begin calls it “a true community festival” and that part of their budget is offering free venues.

“Timmins Park will be full of stuff. There’s a petting zoo that we have to pay for and the buskers downtown. The big thing that we are spending money on this year is the music on Main and activities to get the people back downtown. It’s a free concert and we are spending 15,000 on bands in Annie’s Park.

Mattawa Mayor Dean Backer is confident the festival will be in the black by the time the gates close.

“People have a wonderful time, they spend a lot of money and on the eleventh hour, I have 100% faith this place is going to rock.”

For more information on Voyageur Days please click: