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Should face-covering veils be allowed during citizenship ceremonies?

That's the question we're asking in our latest poll. Prime Minister Stephen Harper last week spoke about face-covering veils worn by some Muslim women, calling them the product of a culture that is "anti-women.

That's the question we're asking in our latest poll.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper last week spoke about  face-covering veils worn by some Muslim women, calling them the product of a culture that is "anti-women."

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau accused him of stoking prejudice against Muslims.

Harper said that it's "offensive" for someone to wear a face-covering niqab while taking the oath of Canadian citizenship.

The hijab is the head scarf worn by some Muslim women, while the niqab covers the face.

So we are asking for your opinion. You can vote at the bottom of our main page under the "Today's Poll" tab. You can also leave your opinion after you vote in our "Comment" section. Past polls an be found in our "Archive" tab.

Meanwhile, voters in our unscientific poll on winds farms are overwhelmingly against them.

A total of 1,508 votes were cast.

To the question, "Are you in favour?"

Yes        24%

No         68%

Unsure   8%