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Province moves to help First Nation victims of crime

Ministry of the Attorney General News Release ********************* Toronto - Ontario is launching a new grant program to fund community-based projects to help First Nations, Inuit and Métis victims of crime.
Ministry of the Attorney General
News Release


Toronto - Ontario is launching a new grant program to fund community-based projects to help First Nations, Inuit and Métis victims of crime.

A $2-million Aboriginal Victims Support Grant Program will offer one-time funding for community projects to support aboriginal victims.

The projects fall within two grant categories:

- Small scale local project grants for amounts up to $100,000, to encourage community-based services for crime victims

- Major project grants of up to $250,000, to develop best practices and promote partnership between organizations.

The program will help Aboriginal communities and organizations expand the range of services available to victims of crime.

First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and organizations are eligible to apply.

Applications will be accepted until Friday, October 31, 2008.

Help with the application process, including language interpreters if requested, is available for communities and organizations.

"We want to help First Nations, Inuit and Métis victims of crime begin healing through solutions developed locally in their own communities," said Attorney General Chris Bentley. "Our aim is to support victims and improve services in ways that respect Aboriginal cultures and languages."

"Our government is ensuring that people from First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities who are victims of crime get the support they need and deserve," said Michael Bryant, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.

"We welcome the flexibility these grants offer so that First Nations, Métis and Inuit organizations can develop solutions tailored to the unique needs of victims in their communities," said Larry Frost, executive director of the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto.

Aboriginal organizations providing services in Ontario may apply for grants.

Non-Aboriginal groups may work with Aboriginal organizations and First Nations that are leading projects.

These grants are funded through the Victims' Justice Fund, which is dedicated to providing services for victims of crime.
