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Nipissing celebrates their authors

Nipissing University News Release ************************ While construction continued outside on the new Learning Library, Nipissing’s current library held a celebration of the people whose works will help fill the new book shelves.

Nipissing University
News Release


While construction continued outside on the new Learning Library, Nipissing’s current library held a celebration of the people whose works will help fill the new book shelves. Nipissing University celebrated its faculty who recently published books at the Education Centre Library’s 2009 Faculty Book Launch, held on December 3 in the Library’s Gallery Lounge.

There are 19 new books that have been authored or co-authored by Nipissing faculty since 2008. The books represent an impressively diverse range of academic disciplines and topics, from global politics and family history to educational leadership and the environment.

“Book publication is a major form of research output and a fundamental aspect of scholarly life. The Education Centre Library is delighted to support faculty at Nipissing by acknowledging that having a book published is a defining moment for scholars,” said Lynne Prunskus, associate director of library services, who conceived of and organized the event.

“This is a very special day for Nipissing, and particularly those faculty members who have had their work published as a book,” said Errol Aspevig, vice-president, academic and research. “As academics and researchers, faculty members work to create new knowledge, and the publication of that knowledge in book format is a tremendous accomplishment. Nipissing is very proud of these publications.”

List of authors and their books that were recognized at the Faculty Book Launch (Nipissing Faculty in bold):

- Earl, Hilary. The Nuremburg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial, 1945-1958: Atrocity, Law, and History. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

- Ferry, Darren. Uniting in Measures of Common Good: The Construction of Liberal Identities in Central Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.

- Geden, Dennis. Paintings 2000-2009, a survey. Mineta Contemporary, 2009.

- Hatt, Blaine. Heart in Teaching: Attending the Pathic. Lambert, 2009

- Jarvis, Daniel H. Parametric Creativity: Curriculum Negotiation and Professional Development Models in Mathematics Education. Lambert, 2009.

- McMaster, Lindsey. Working Girls in the West: Representations of Wage-Earning Women. UBC Press, 2008.

- Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. and Dave Hackett. Living in the
Environment. Nelson Education Ltd., 2008.

- Mintz, Jerry and Carlo Ricci, eds. Turning Points: 27 Visionaries in Education Tell Their OwnStories.Alternative Education Resource Organization, 2010.

- Noël, Françoise. Family and Community Life in Northeastern Ontario: The Interwar Years. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009.

- Renshaw, Sal. The Subject of Love: Hélène Cixous and the Feminine Divine. Manchester University Press, 2009.

- Lord, Bruce and Elisabeth Richards. Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed: And Other Cracked Tales., 2008.

- Richardson, Carole and Warnie Richardson. *Walking the Talk: Putting Theory into Practice. Detselig Enterprises, 2008.

- Ryan, Thomas G. ed. Canadian Educational Leadership. Detselig Enterprises, 2009.

- Srigley, Katrina. Breadwinning Daughters: Young Working Women in the Depression-Era City, 1929-1939. University of Toronto Press, 2009.

- Stange, Ken. Art Creation and Appreciation: Uniquely Human? Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.

- Tabachnick, David Edward and Toivo Koivukoski, eds. Enduring Empire: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics. University of Toronto Press, 2009.

- Vassilev, Tzvetalin. Optimal Area Triangulation of Planar Point Sets. VDM Verlag, 2009.
