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How to Fix Your Roof After Winter Damage

A well cared for roof not only protects your family and your belongings from changing weather, it also insulates your home and lowers the burden on your heating and cooling system.
roof 2016

By Mary Sauer

Even when you prepare your home for a season change by performing seasonal maintenance, in some areas of the country, winter damage can’t be avoided. Roofs are built to outlast changes in temperature, heavy snowfall, and high winds, but sometimes constant exposure to the elements requires a little extra care.

Now that winter has passed, you may have noticed your roof is showing signs of wear and tear or even more serious damage. No matter how mild or severe, the winter damage to your roof must be addressed. Ignoring or putting off repair can negatively impact the energy efficiency of your roof, and may cause further damage to your roof or even the interior of your home. If you are ready to tackle winter damage to your roof, here are some tips with exactly what you need to know to get started. 

Always Inspect Your Roof After Severe Weather

The first and perhaps most important thing you should know about keeping your roof in tip-top shape after the winter season, is to keep an eye out for damage after severe weather. Whether you experience heavy snowfall, high winds, or a lot of ice, do a quick inspection of your roof after a bad winter storm.

In general, you want to be looking for any weakness in your roof. This could be a small as missing shingles or as serious as your roof leaking or buckling under the weight of heavy snow.

Remove Heavy Snow and Ice From Your Roof

A small amount of snow and ice on your roof likely won’t cause damage, but if you experience a serious winter storm, you will want to find a safe way to remove accumulating snow. Professionals suggest that homeowners should remove snow from their roof anytime they receive six or more inches.

The best approach for roof snow removal is to invest in a roof rake and to consistently remove snow as it is falling. If too much snow has accumulated for a roof rake, you may need to use a shovel to remove some of the excess snow before removing the rest with a rake.

Know When to Hire a Professional

Unless you have the skills necessary to address roof damage, you should probably hire a professional. Although roof repairs can be expensive, they are less expensive than a complete roof replacement. By asking a professional to take a look and repair the winter damage your roof has experienced, you guarantee your roof is fixed correctly the very first time.

If extreme weather has caused serious damage to your roof, you may be able to file a claim with your home insurance policy. Whether or not your insurance will cover the cost of repairs depends heavily on the exact details of your policy, the age of your roof, and where you are located. If you are facing expensive repairs, it never hurts to double check your policy details. 

Don’t Forget Your Gutters

Your gutters play an important role in protecting your roof from further damage. If damage to your gutters goes unaddressed, melting snowing and ice cannot properly drain from your roof and may cause pooling or leaks. Repair damaged gutters right away. For more serious damage, you may need help from a professional, but many homeowners have the skills to reattached displaced portions of gutters or empty them of any debris.

At Modernize, we encourage homeowners like you to commit to regular preventative maintenance as a way of maintaining a more sustainable way of life. When your roof and the other elements of your home receive the care they need, they perform more efficiently. A well cared for roof not only protects your family and your belongings from changing weather, it also insulates your home and lowers the burden on your heating and cooling system.