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Hornets of winter?

"This behaviour seems so odd for this time of year!" 

The record mild conditions on the weekend in the North Bay area gave a real spring feel outside.  

The warm weather also brought out some insects that we normally never see until May.  

Several area residents saw hornets flying around the melting snow banks.  

"I saw a bee walking across our back deck yesterday and today I saw two on the side of our house walking in the snow," stated Lorraine Jackson in an email to  

"This behaviour seems so odd for this time of year!" 

There isn't much information online about wasps, hornets or bees coming out in the winter months but some researchers report as the days start to warm up queen wasps come out from hibernation where they have spent the winter months in a deep sleep. 



Chris Dawson

About the Author: Chris Dawson

Chris Dawson has been with since 2004. He has provided up-to-the-minute sports coverage and has become a key member of the BayToday news team.
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