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Health unit reminding folks about Smoke-Free Ontario Act

North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit News Release ****** With the cold weather upon us, the Health Unit reminds the community about the restrictions under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.

North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit

News Release


With the cold weather upon us, the Health Unit reminds the community about the restrictions under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. Smoke-free spaces protect people from second-hand smoke and also remove both visual and sensory cues that can inspire people to reduce smoking or to quit, support those who have quit from starting again, and prevent youth and young adults from starting.
The Act states that smoking or holding lighted tobacco is not allowed:

-  in motor vehicles where kids under the age of 16 are present,

- within 9 metres of hospital or long-term care facility entrances,

- in any enclosed public places or workplaces. This includes work vehicles, bus shelters, parking garages, and even construction sites once a roof and two walls have been built.

In addition to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, some municipalities have smoke-free by-laws for outdoor spaces. These places include hospital properties, parks, recreation areas, municipal entrances, beaches, etc. Be aware of the smoking by-laws in your area.

For more information about the Smoke-Free Ontario Act or to register a complaint, call the Health Unit at 705-474-1400 or 1-800-563-2808, or visit

“During the colder months, we tend to receive more complaints about people smoking where they shouldn’t be. As Tobacco Enforcement Officers, we respond to inquiries, complaints and conduct routine inspections to ensure compliance under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.”
Paula Benoit Tobacco Enforcement Officer

Quick Facts

  •  There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke
  •  There are over 7,000 chemicals in second-hand smoke, with 69 of them known to cause cancer
  •  Second-hand smoke can cause or worsen a number of health conditions
  •  Levels of second-hand smoke can be similar in indoor and outdoor settings. It all depends on how close you are, the wind conditions and the number of people smoking.
