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Colours of Hope this Saturday

Organizers are hoping to raise $35,000 with more than 300 participants enjoying the event. 
colours of hope shutterstock_254654302 2016

The Canadian Cancer Society will be hosting the fourth annual Colours of Hope 5K event this Saturday morning at 10.

This is a non-competitive, fun event where participants can run or walk, skip or dance through the course while getting showered in safe, eco-friendly, plant-based powdered dye at colour stations along the way. 

"When it's over, the colour will wash away, but the smiles are there to stay. All ages are welcome to register and attend the event," says Gil Pharand of the Canadian Cancer Society.

The run will start at Veteran’s Field and head out along the Kate Pace Way.  Organizers are hoping to raise $35,000 with more than 300 participants enjoying the event. 

Cancer survivor Linda Vander Schaaf is the community champion of the event this year.  Vander Schaaf understands firsthand the importance of events of this type, "this event raises awareness but it also raises important funds in the fight against cancer.  Research and clinical trials are making a progressive impact and saving lives."

New to this year’s event is the partnering of Cops For Cancer head shave and charity BBQ.  Upon completion of the run, participants and the general public can cheer on our men and women of law enforcement as they take a stand against cancer.  M&M Meats will be on hand with their BBQ fare with proceeds going to Cops For Cancer.

Colours of Hope celebrates life and raises important funds to fight cancer. Register online today or in person at the Canadian Cancer Society office at 147 McIntyre St West.  For more information please call 705 472-9072.