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City-wide tree planting needed

All those trees that North Bay Hydro cut down this summer to protect its power lines had lot of people concerned.

All those trees that North Bay Hydro cut down this summer to protect its power lines had  lot of people concerned.

Now, Greening Nipissing will be hosting public consultation meetings for North Bay Hydro about its "Vegetation Management Program".

Also known as tree trimming and tree cutting, Greening Nipissing is looking for your input about customer experiences this past year along with insight and ideas about what a city-wide tree planting program might look like.

A total of four public meetings will occur this September.

  • first meeting at the Natural Classroom of the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority on Tuesday, September 9th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at 15 Janey Avenue.
  • second meeting will be held at the West Ferris Arena Community Centre in the West Ferris Auditorium on Thursday, September 11th from 7pm to 9pm at 42 Gertrude Street East.

The purpose of the meetings is to find out what concerns North Bay Hydro customers have regarding recent tree removal/trimming activities.

Greening Nipissing will outline provincial legislation and regulations that North Bay Hydro must adhere to for the Vegetation Management Program.

The ultimate goal is to consult with the public and create a community action plan to grow a city-wide tree planting project that would help offset the loss and absence of the urban tree canopy identified by the North Bay community.

These consultation meetings are free to attend and open to the general public.

The information received will assist Greening Nipissing in writing a report for submission to North Bay Hydro and will be available for the general public.