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Letter: Success of disability mat questioned

I would like to know how the installation of the sand mat was evaluated as a success. According to my observation, no one is using it at the beach
20190808 marathon beach accessible mat 3 turl
The Wheels to Water beach accessible mat. Jeff Turl/BayToday.

Editor's note: Ms. Peters  writes in response to Availability of accessible parking closer to the beach is a valid concern.


To the editor:

Other parks may have parking closer to the beach, but for seniors and the disabled, both access and a lifeguard are imperative for safety.

I would also like to comment on Mr. Young's letter.

I appreciate that the City is continuously working on making public areas more accessible. However, I would like to know how the installation of the sand mat was evaluated as a success. According to my observation, no one is using it at the beach which is next to the pier.

Without suitable access to the mat for disabled persons to use on their own, how can it be a success?

My fervent hope is that Council allocate some money to making the parking and pathway to the sand mat accessible this summer.

Carolyn Peters

North Bay