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Letter: Costco would hurt local business

Patronizing Costco and Amazon instead of buying locally will only lead to a steady decrease in viable shopping options in our community
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Editor's note: Ms. O'Shea writes in response to Ferris businesses plan 'fun day' to promote area.


To the editor:

With regard to JW suggesting that Costco locating to West Ferris would increase traffic to the area, that is true but it would not increase business to anyone other than Costco.

Patronizing Costco and Amazon instead of buying locally will only lead to a steady decrease in viable shopping options in our community.

If you want a thriving city then you have to spend your money locally. Otherwise, you may end up with the only shopping options being fast food, gas stations, gyms, and bars. Even gas stations are hurting by the nearby competition.

Lynda O’Shea

North Bay