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Opinion: Bill Walton, A Chip in my shoulder

The government says the vaccines are safe but then the government says a lot of things that aren’t of the whole cloth.
20210728 fly walton

I think they got me with the second Covid shot. They said it was Pfizer but it did not feel anything like the first Pfizer shot, which was nothing at all. I am fairly certain that I can feel a small lump under my skin at the injection site but my wife, whose fingers are more sensitive than mine, says there is nothing there.

It was my wife who convinced me to get the shots.

I checked all the information chatter on the web, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, ZombiesRus, Bing, and Google about the safety of the vaccines and I was still worried because they - the pharmaceutical companies – seemed to put the vaccines on the market so quickly. It was almost as if they were waiting for the WHO to announce the pandemic. That is something hints at when they say “We recognize that there is a clear distinction between the verifiable science of the body and the detritus of propaganda supporting vaccine theory.” That almost sounds as they know whereof they rant.

The government says the vaccines are safe but then the government says a lot of things that aren’t quite true. Anyway, my wife says the big Pharma companies have been working on this RNA method of immunization ever since SARS, which was about 18 years ago. These vaccines were not developed in a petri dish like penicillin was by Alex Fleming years and years ago. Therefore, they have done the due diligence and it must be safe, she said. Although she did mention, under her breath, something about my recent brain disorders.

Anyway, I have not caught the Covid. Some say wearing the mask helps but I don’t know. I heard that it was against my civil rights but I never really checked that out. One of my chums says he is a conscientious objector to masks and he just tells store clerks that he is ‘exempt’ and most times they just let him shop without a mask. I was thinking about saying the same thing as the masks make my eyeglasses fog up but then I remembered that I have that chip in my shoulder.

I figure they – and I’m not sure if it is CSIS or the CIA – maybe even Justin’s Liberal Party – know where I am and what I am doing. The chip has GPS and a radio transmitter. And a radio receiver-like device that gives me messages. Strange messages. I mean, why am I hearing a voice saying ‘vote Liberal’ when there isn’t even an election?

I know the chip is listening in on my cell phone conversations so I have begun talking in code. My one brother who didn’t get the jab says it sounds like gibberish while the other brother who thinks he also got the chip injection says everything is coming through loud and clear. Not that he is a conspiracy theorist but he says the last time he was down in the States, he met a fellow who was working on miniature chips for the Republican Party. The plan was to embed the devices in all the Trump baseball caps and send messages to the wearers. He was concerned about the Democrats jamming the signals. Which made me ponder why I wasn’t getting any voting suggestions from O’Toole.

Yesterday I suddenly got this urge to buy a new Ford truck. Before I got out the door, a voice was whispering to me about the Chevy Silverado, and then somebody said something regarding the new Dodge Ram 1500. I have absolutely no need for a truck so where did this come from? It’s like doing a little shallow research on the web about a Shimano reel and the next minute the sidebar is filled with fishing equipment that I might need. I must have accidentally clicked on a truck ad when I was reading BayToday.

I guess we who use a computer know that every keystroke on the internet can be copied, saved, shared with business interests (for a fee) and we accept that. Some of us are naive enough to think that photographs are excluded from this invasion of our privacy (Boo Habs), but realistically there is little in this world that someone does not know about us. Going off the grid might have helped but with the conversion to the cashless society, even digital currency will not save us from prying eyes and ears when we buy something.

And if you think it unlikely that they would put a minuscule computer chip in a vaccine, maybe you will agree that vaccines themselves can create a foreign body inside you that will change how you think and act. Of course, we are all influenced by what we see and hear, by our own experiences, by what others have experienced, or by ideas, good and bad, that have been passed down from generation to generation. My wife says ‘they’ don’t need a chip in the vaccine – they already know more about us through algorithms than we realize.

So, I’ll likely get the next round of Covid injections. It’s like owning a Microsoft computer and waiting for the next version of Windows.  In the meantime, I’m going to Home Depot or Home Hardware or Canadian Tire or to whatever company Google sends me to, and I am going to buy a strong magnet to run over that chip in my shoulder.

That should give me some privacy.

Bill Walton

About the Author: Bill Walton

Retired from City of North Bay in 2000. Writer, poet, columnist
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