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Am I Secure?

Have you ever thought about security, or your own insecurities and wondered how your life could be empowered by finding security from within? Have you ever wondered how you might position yourself differently in the workplace if you felt more secure about yourself?
Am I secure?-2

This week I’m going to expose some writing from my personal journal dated last November. My relationship to security was in question, and I got thinking about it with my pen. If you’re looking to gain clarity on your own security, these questions are worth asking yourself.

I’m contemplating my own security. 

Is there really such thing? 

Is it money? If so, how much? 

Is it health? If so, what standard meets my expectations? 

Is it relationships? If so, with whom and why? 

Is it only MY responsibility? Or is it a shared responsibility with those close to me? 

Is security a destination that we arrive at? 

Is it something ‘out-there’ that I don’t have yet? 

Is it something I’ll ever have? 

Is it something I already have? 

Is it a combination of all things? 

Can I feel secure one day and insecure the next? 

Perhaps security is an illusion that appears, shifts and disappears at times. I think that the only security we really have is within ourselves and that it would be wise to judge my security, not by what I have but what I can live without. 

If I didn’t need money – the quest for it wouldn’t matter and I’d find more joy and less ‘grind’ in my work. 

If I didn’t need my health to be perfect then I would stop thinking and worrying about the small stuff and I’d replace the worry with joy, fun, and gratitude for the health that I do have. 

If I didn’t worry about what others think of me then I’d just be living a more authentic life of just being me, and finding JOY in who that amazing woman is and will continue to be. 

Have you ever thought about security, or your own insecurities and wondered how your life could be empowered by finding security from within? Have you ever wondered how you might position yourself differently in the workplace if you felt more secure about yourself?

Wishing you much inner security during this new start to the academic year. It’s a fine time to get back on track and finish out the fourth quarter of 2019 in your full power.


ps. If this is something you’d like to be coached in, please contact me.  I have both personal and group options available starting this month.  Your greatest leadership day is … with Penny Tremblay.

About the Author: Penny Tremblay

Serving Northern Ontario, professional development, training, coaching and keynote speaking engagements.
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