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Sudbury Green Party announces its candidate

'We have strong policies across the board,” says Robinson, ”but for us, climate action is front and centre,  top of the list. And we know how to move fast'
Dr. David Robinson, economist, former Laurentian University

The Sudbury Greens announced today that Dr. David Robinson will again be Sudbury’s Green Party candidate.

"Dr. Robinson is an expert on the northern Ontario Economy and on the economics of the environment. He has been campaigning for effective climate action for more than 10 years," according to a news release.

Dr. Robinson taught economics at Laurentian University for 33 years.

"For much of that time, his focus has been on regional economic development. He was the first to identify and promote Sudbury’s Mining Supply and Services Sector, now seen as the backbone of local economic development strategies. He and his daughter Kirsten came up with the idea of a northern Ontario School of architecture downtown. That project has brought millions of dollars into the community," says the release.

In  2019 Dr. Robinson won the Northern Ontario Business Award for economic development

"Dr. Robinson has been an active promoter of the arts. He is probably best known across the north for his monthly column on northern issues over the course of 15 years from 2005 to 2020," adds the release.

“The climate crisis is much worse than the government is admitting,”  says Robinson. “Voters can only send a clear signal that they want action by voting Green. We have strong policies across the board but for us, climate action is front and centre,  top of the list. And we know how to move fast.”

No word yet from the Green Party on a candidate for Nipissing Timiskaming.