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Learning doesn’t stop just because school is out

As little as 2-3 hours per week can help kids avoid summer learning losses.

It is no surprise that as the temperature rises, student concentration levels fall. As summer sets in, kids begin to imagine all the fun activities they will do over the holidays, and learning becomes the furthest thing from their minds. But just because schools take a break for the summer, it doesn’t mean brains do. The brain continues to grow, and like a muscle, will ‘forget’ what was honed, if it is not used continuously and properly.

While it is important for students to relax and have fun over the summer holidays, it is equally important for them to keep their brains active. Known as ‘summer brain drain,’ students can lose learning skills they have acquired throughout the school year and can need nearly eight weeks to get back into the swing of things if their brains remain unchallenged for a full two months. Studies show students can lose up to six weeks of learning skills, with math skills taking the hardest hit. The research proves it: without summer learning, students head back to class unmotivated and unprepared to learn new material, increasing the duration of the learning pause.

But there is a solution. Paige Shemilt from Oxford Learning North Bay says that summer learning programs offer the perfect opportunity for students to stay mentally stimulated and motivated, get caught up, and get ahead.

“We need to change the way we think about summer and summer learning. Enrolling in a summer learning program is not only necessary for struggling students – it is beneficial for all students. They don’t have to give up their summer,” says Paige. “It’s been proven that as little as two to three hours a week is all that kids need to avoid summer learning losses.”

"It is essential for students to continue learning, keep their brains sharp, and maintain momentum heading into the next grade, otherwise they are more likely to fall behind, and stay behind. Students should take advantage of the summer break to work on specific trouble areas, so when school begins again in September, they are ready for their most successful year yet.”

In a time when critical thinking and learning skills are becoming increasingly more important, and with technological distractions everywhere, there is no better time to get serious about getting caught up or getting ahead. Whether supplemental learning is a staple for your family, or if getting some extra help is new to you, now is the time to see the difference summer learning can make for your child.

Oxford Learning goes beyond tutoring to help students reach their learning potential, not just for one grade or one year, but for a lifetime. With a variety of summer programs, including Math, Reading, French, SAT and ACT, and Catch Up & Get Ahead programs, Oxford Learning has programs for all ages and grades.

For more information on summer learning, or to find out which Oxford Learning summer program is best suited for your child, contact Paige at Oxford Learning North Bay at 705-472-0972 or [email protected]