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Warming Centre moving, needs donations

The group is still in the process of renovating and working as hard to get up and running. 
warming centre 2016

The Warming Centre is in need for some specific donations as it prepares to move into its new facility at The Triple Link Centre, at 480 Fisher St.

The group is still in the process of renovating and working as hard to get up and running. 

The Centre is looking for the following items:

1) fold-up card tables-4
2) sturdy hangers
3) crock-pot -1
4) clock radio- 3
5) gift- cards (No Frills, Walmart, Metro etc.)
6) monetary donations which are vital to keeping our centre up and running and open- (a tax receipt is available).

You can contact Brenda Chartrand at 705-478-6551 or Dave Radcliffe at 705- 497- 1033.