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Thank a Nurse, Doctor, Volunteer or Department by purchasing a Gratitude Flag!

August 8th to the 22nd Parker’s Your Independent Grocer in North Bay is raising funds for Our Hospital Walk/Run by offering gratitude flags for purchase at the check-out. Write a message of thanks on your flag and recognize someone special.
Tribute Flag 2016

August 8th to the 22nd Parker’s Your Independent Grocer in North Bay is raising funds for Our Hospital Walk/Run by offering gratitude flags for purchase at the check-out.

Write a message of thanks on your flag and recognize someone special. It can be a doctor, nurse, volunteer or an entire department – whoever had an impact on your family’s hospital experience!

Flags are two dollars each and support advanced medical equipment and program needs for our community.

Don’t miss out on this great way to say ‘thank you’ and help enhance your healthcare, close to home.

For more information contact the Foundation at 705.495.8125.