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If you love to cross-country ski or snowshoe, head to Ontario Parks

Trails range from five to forty-five kilometres in length
snowshoes AdobeStock_95151071 2017

Nineteen winter parks have over 450 kilometres of trails to choose from. Half of all trails are groomed or track set and many include warm-up shelters and washrooms. Some parks even offer equipment rentals, skating, and yurt, cottage or cabin accommodation. Before heading out, get the latest snow conditions from the Ontario Parks Ski Report,

Algonquin Provincial Park

Cross-country skiers love Algonquin's Leaf Trail Network. Located near the park's East Gate, trails range from five to forty-five kilometres in length and they are groomed or track set and rated easy to very difficult. Pack a picnic lunch to enjoy in one of the heated shelters. Washrooms are located along the trails too. If you prefer snowshoeing, try one of the interpretive trails along Highway 60. The Old Railway Trail is also popular with winter fat bikers. Don't forget Algonquin's Winter in the Wild Festival. It's back, Saturday, February 18, of the Ontario Family Day weekend.