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Economic development Initiative for small northern Ontario communities

Some key activities to be undertaken by the EDO include forming strategic alliances with local businesses, developing economic development strategies for the agriculture, forestry and tourism sectors, as well as implementing an investment readiness plan and workforce attraction and retention strategy

The communities of French RiverSt.-Charles and Markstay-Warren hope to cash in on business and economic development opportunities thanks to a Government of Canada investment of more than $210,000.

This FedNor funding will enable Economic Partners to hire an Economic Development Officer (EDO) for a three-year period to help identify, develop and implement priority community projects.

The announcement was made Wednesday by Marc Serré, MP for Nickel Belt, 

Some key activities to be undertaken by the EDO include forming strategic alliances with local businesses, developing economic development strategies for the agriculture, forestry and tourism sectors, as well as implementing an investment readiness plan and workforce attraction and retention strategy.

“I am thrilled that today’s announcement will support community economic development and growth initiatives that will create jobs and position the communities of French River, St.-Charles and Markstay-Warren for sustainable, long-term success," said Serre. "By investing in this regional priority project, the Government of Canada is empowering these communities to take charge of their economic future by enhancing business, tourism and economic growth throughout the region.”