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Cold walk helps provide hot meals.

Coldest Night walks will be taking place on the same night in an anticipated 80 cities from coast to coast.
Gathering Place turl 2015

The Gathering Place, North Bay’s Community Soup Kitchen, is encouraging North Bay residents to bundle up and raise cold, hard cash for The 3rd Annual Coldest Night of the Year Walk. A family-friendly winter fundraising event for North Bay's hungry, hurting, and homeless, the WALK takes place on the evening of Saturday, February 20th.

Taking part in the Coldest Night of the Year will help participants understand the experience of living below the poverty line during a cold Canadian winter, while raising funds to aid the work of The Gathering Place in providing much-needed support to our neighbours in need says a news release from the organization. Coldest Night walks will be taking place on the same night in an anticipated 80 cities from coast to coast.

The North Bay WALK begins and ends at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin, located at 555 Algonquin, where walkers will register, turn in the results of their fundraising efforts, and return at the end of the evening for a warm celebration meal. Donning iconic toques, participants will walk a 2km, 5km or 10km route, and will warm up with toasty drinks at rest stops along the way.

This is The Gathering Place's third year taking part in the Coldest Night of the Year, with a fundraising goal of $75,000. An expected 400 walkers and 40 teams, including staff and friends of The Gathering Place are expected to brave the cold winter's night. Community sponsors include Rebuilt Resources, The Moose 106.3FM, Cecil’s Brewhouse & Kitchen, The ATM Man and Calvary Pentecostal Temple.

The Gathering Place has been serving North Bay for 12 years, and the boost in funds resulting from the Coldest Night of the Year will benefit our neighbours in need in a time of the year known historically for low levels of giving.