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Car wrap advertising job scam

The fraudster under the name “Eden Beverage and Coffee Company” is advertising to pay vehicle owners $300 per week.
2015 9 21 north bay police car turl

The North Bay Police are warning the public of a car wrap advertising job scam.

Two North Bay residents reported the fraud to police last week.

The fraudster under the name “Eden Beverage and Coffee Company” is advertising to pay vehicle owners $300 per week to add car wrap advertising to their personal vehicles.

One complainant indicated that he responded to a text from the fraudsters, while the other responded to an online ad. Both were asked to deposit a cheque (from about $3,000 in one case to about $5,000 in the other) into their personal accounts and to keep $300 for the first week’s pay.

They were then instructed to deposit the balance of the cheque into the fraudster’s bank account, which would pay for the car wrap advertising.

Both cheques were found to be fraudulent.