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Young entrepreneur gets a boost

MPP Monique Smith News Release ******************** The McGuinty government is promoting youth entrepreneurship in North Bay by helping a local graphic design business acquire better equipment, Nipissing MPP Monique Smith announced today.
MPP Monique Smith
News Release


The McGuinty government is promoting youth entrepreneurship in North Bay by helping a local graphic design business acquire better equipment, Nipissing MPP Monique Smith announced today.

The NOHFC is providing $25,000 through its Young Entrepreneur Program to help Frontline Grafx purchase new equipment and furniture. The business has been operating since last fall.

“The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) is helping our youth develop their entrepreneurial skills into successful businesses right here in the North,” said Nipissing MPP Monique Smith. “I am pleased that our government is investing in our young people, assisting them in starting new businesses and encouraging economic development and growth in the North."

“Supporting new enterprise in northern communities helps keep our youth in the North,” said Bartolucci, who also chairs the NOHFC. “Over the last two years, Ontario has invested more than $2.1 million helping some 100 youth start their own businesses across Northern Ontario.”

This is just one more example of how, working together, Ontarians have achieved results in North Bay. Other examples include:

• Investing $50,000 to help North Bay improve the electronic marketing tools specifically targeted to attract foreign investment
• Providing $1.5 million to Rotacan, a manufacturer of rotary drill bits for the mining industry, to help it upgrade its facilities in North Bay
• Providing $1 million toward the cost of upgrading municipal services on Oak Street including sewer, water and electrical distribution systems.

These initiatives are part of the Northern Prosperity Plan for building stronger northern communities. The plan has four pillars: Strengthening the North and its Communities; Listening to and Serving Northerners Better; Competing Globally; and Providing Opportunities for All.
