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Warning! Secure your cottage property.

The North Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police would like to remind the public that cottage break and enters; damage and theft are serious concerns impacting police, cottagers, cottagers’ associations and insurance companies.

The North Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police would like to remind the public that cottage break and enters; damage and theft are serious concerns impacting police, cottagers, cottagers’ associations and insurance companies.

All suspicious matters need to be reported and obtain as much information as a possible.  This includes physical descriptions, clothing descriptions, vehicle descriptions (licence plate), the area where they were last seen and direction they are heading.

Thieves like to target the easy to carry items so that it doesn’t hinder their movement.  Safeguard your property by making your mark!  Operation Identification urges you to mark or etch your valuables in a highly visible spot.  Property that is engraved is considered “damaged goods” in the eyes of a criminal.   Copy down a list of the serial numbers of all your electronic devices, tools, generators and keep this list in a secure area as these numbers can assist in investigations.

Remember to assure your safety at all times.  Contact police immediately and do not tamper with the crime scene as valuable evidence can be lost.  

Landscaping, effective lighting, quality doors/locks and other security measures should also be taken.