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Trojans do it again

Once again the students of West Ferris Secondary School have outdone themselves when it comes to raising money in the battle against cancer.

Once again the students of West Ferris Secondary School have outdone themselves when it comes to raising money in the battle against cancer.

This morning marked the 14th annual Trojans ‘Parade for Cancer’, and this year the students and staff surpassed last year’s total and presented a cheque for $15,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society. The grand total is the new record in the 14-year history and not including today’s total the school has raised to date $132,000 for cancer.

Staff convenor for the event Tracy Sloan said as a newcomer to the school she was thrilled to see how devoted the student body was to the cause.

“I started at West Ferris in February and the first thing I learned about was the traditional Trojan Parade for Cancer, and I knew I wanted to be part of it,” she states.

Sloan, who recently lost her grandmother to the disease, said she was astonished with the students' determination to get out in the community and raise the funds.

“I was blown away when very few students were left sitting after asking who had been affected by cancer,” she says.

“We were at $7,000 dollars raised yesterday … I think the students pulled it out and wanted that one more day before bringing in their pledge forms.”

“This parade gives everyone a sense of accomplishment, staff and students,” she adds.

Mayor Victor Fedeli gave the students high praise and thanked them for their continued commitment to the cause, while Director of Education Colin Vickers joined the students for the parade this year

“I dedicated my walk today to a Kathy Sirrs who recently lost her battle with cancer,” he states.

“We were in the Sound of Music together where I had a cameo roll … she was a lovely lady.”

The students not only raised the $15, 000 for the parade but also hosted a car wash and dress down day to raise enough money to send one child to a summer camp. A special cancer camp designed to allow kids who are in treatment to go and enjoy camp while continuing treatment.