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The Company presents 'The Rimers of Eldritch'

The COMPANY presents 'THE RIMERS OF ELDRITCH' Monday May 30th and Tuesday May 31st at Widdifield Theatre on Ski Club Road 7:30pm.
The COMPANY presents 'THE RIMERS OF ELDRITCH' Monday May 30th and Tuesday May 31st at Widdifield Theatre on Ski Club Road 7:30pm.

The play, by Lanford Wilson, is set in Eldritch, Missouri, a decaying Bible Belt town that once was a prosperous coal mining community in the mid-20th century. It centres on the murder of a hermit named Skelly by a woman who thinks he is committing a rape when in fact he is trying to stop one. Presiding over the trial is the sanctimonious local preacher, a hypocrite who instills the fear of hellfire and eternal damnation in his diminishing flock.

"With a cast of 17 students it has been a great journey," says Director by Jocelyn Bell-Summersby.

"It is a heavy piece that has required a lot of work and maturity by the cast."

Tickets are just $10.00 and available at the door.

Curtain time is 7:30pm sharp.