Cottage Life News Release ********************* So you're having guests up for the long weekend! Have you prepared properly to accommodate the madness? Cottage Life Magazine has arranged some tips for you on how to prepare yourself for that hectic lo
So you're having guests up for the long weekend! Have you prepared properly to accommodate the madness? Cottage Life Magazine has arranged some tips for you on how to prepare yourself for that hectic long weekend of hosting. Tips include:
a.. Save your sanity and have guests arrive on Saturday morning. Use Friday night to chill out and get organized for the onslaught.
a.. Have an outside tap and wash basin. This helps cut down kitchen congestion. It can be used for cleaning hands (especially good with children), preparing vegetables, or washing off sandy feet.
a.. There's never enough fridge space, so advise guests to bring their own cooler and ice. Or make your own underground drink cooler.
a.. Have you ever been sitting around a campfire and not known what to do? Well Cottage Life Magazine has come up with a list of 20 tips on how to enhance your campfire party! Celebrate Cottage Life's 20 years with 20 ideas for a great campfire fest including s'more tips, smoke charmers, music makers, flame facts, and our anniversary cocktail. You'll be ruler of the beach and the envy of all beach campfire parties!
Master your hosting skills with these Cottage Life tips and your guests will have lasting memories!