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Sinicrope says Rota failing to serve the people

Local Conservatives are busy organising for elections at both the provincial and federal levels of government, and part of getting any campaign ready is finding the right candidate to run.
Local Conservatives are busy organising for elections at both the provincial and federal levels of government, and part of getting any campaign ready is finding the right candidate to run.

North Bay City Councillor Judy Koziol and East Ferris Mayor Bill Vrebosch held formal news conferences in the past two weeks announcing their intentions to seek the provincial nomination while North Bay Deputy Mayor Peter Chirico made his announcement to run federally on a local cable show. And joining the Federal Conservative nomination on Thursday was local lawyer Joe Sinicrope.

Sinicrope, a former President of the Nipissing Liberal Riding Association and an active member since 1990, took a stab at the Federal Liberal nomination three years ago, but left the party shortly after because he felt the Liberals had lost their way on issues that matter.

“In this capacity, three years previous, I was making a similar announcement for the same reasons: work to bring prosperity for our children to this riding, fix long list of flaws by Federal Liberal Party such as the Gun Registry, the Sponsorship scandal. And just getting things done for Canadian communities and families.”

“Unfortunately, the Liberal Party has moved away from the things that used to make it palatable because they have lied to, stolen from and generally abused Canadian voters. The people in this riding have been taken for granted and our current MP is going to have to answer for this. Communities, like our riding, have suffered all across this country due to the ideas, vision and morals of the Federal Liberal Party being bankrupt on all counts.”

Sinicrope, who now serves as vice-president of the Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservative Association, says the recent Conservative Federal Budget has gone a long way to improving the quality of life for the people of this riding, but he knows that more good news for the area will only come with a Conservative MP serving the riding.

“I am committing to fight to keep the Base and our Reserve Forces in North Bay. FedNor provides a great deal of economic stimulus to the region in terms of employing young people and keeping them in the North,” he explains.

“Of course, it is a bread and butter issue for this riding. I am committing to ensure that this riding gets its fair share of funding from FedNor. Our rural communities are faced with ever increasing challenges to pay their bills, build infrastructures and reverse the trend of a shrinking population. I am committing to ensuring that the support from Canada's new government continues for our rural communities. From childcare, to the GST, to working families, to seniors, and to the fiscal imbalance bred by the Federal Liberals, Canada's new government, led by our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is working hard for Canadians.”

Sinicrope goes on to say that being an MP in the riding requires more than taking passports application to Ottawa and keeping a 9 to 5 attitude, and questions what current MP Anthony Rota has accomplished. Sinicrope even accuses Rota of failing to serve the people of this riding.

“His office is closed on Saturdays, and yet that is the only day available for our hard working community. Our time is valuable, and yet our MP, Mr. Rota, separates himself from his own community thereby demonstrating that his time is more valuable than ours. Mr. Rota is, indeed, a very nice man, but the people of this riding expect more from their MP,” he notes.

“I ask for the support of the people of Nipissing-Timiskaming as I announce my candidacy for the nomination of my party and your party, the Conservative Party of Canada, in the next federal election.”