A 41-year-old Quebec man has been charged in connection with a multi-vehicle collision last month on Hwy 17 which left one person dead.
The collision took place Jan. 2 west of North Bay, near Beaucage Rd., and involved a snow plough, a tractor-trailer unit and a passenger car.
North Bay OPP said the accussed was driving his tractor-trailer westbound on the highway when he collided with a snow plow clearing snow in the same direction.
Joseph Greene, 23, of Brampton, Ontario was driving a 1992 Audi eastbound on 17 when his vehicle collided with the plow, which had been pushed into his lane.
Greene died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. Two other passengers from the Audi, a 14-year-old female from Brantford and a 20-year-old female from Beachville, Ont., suffered non life-threatening injuries.
Guy Laplante, of Hemmingford, faces one count of dangerous driving causing death and two counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. He will be appearing at the Ontario Court of Justice in North Bay Tuesday March 8.