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Poverty rate up shows need for soup kitchen

Jill Clark doesn't need government statistics to know that poverty is on the rise in North Bay. The Executive Director of The Gathering Place, North Bay’s Community Soup Kitchen can see it in her numbers---they are trending up.

Jill Clark doesn't need government statistics to know that poverty is on the rise in North Bay.

The Executive Director of The Gathering Place, North Bay’s Community Soup Kitchen can see it in her numbers---they are trending up.

"I think people don't understand that some of the folks who come to the soup kitchen, and use the food bank, actually have jobs. But they are making minimum wage, and if they're lucky, getting 12 or 14 hours a week because there are only part-time jobs out there.

"There's no way you can survive on that," Clark told BayToday.

The Gathering Place gets no government funding. Every penny they spend, they have to fundraise.

That's why events like Saturday's Coldest Night of the Year is so important.

This Winter walkathon fundraiser raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting in North Bay.

The Gathering Place is organizer of the event and uses the funds raised to serve people living with poverty in North Bay. 

Their goal this year is to raise $100,000.

For information see:

The Mayor of Sault Ste. Marie, Christian Provenzano, has challenged Mayor Al McDonald to see who will raise the most money for their respective cites. 

One of the great stories emerging from this event is Ashlin Cullin’s efforts to support those in need.  The young woman has rounded up her friends to join her team The Love Bugs, hoping to raise $250.  She has already surpassed her goal – her team has currently raised $425.

“It’s Ashlin’s second year and a young lady of her age, who is donating her time and money to the most vulnerable in the City, is an inspiration to us all” said Clark.

Meanwhile the frigid weather is making it hard for people to get to the soup kitchen.

"Most of our folks have to walk to get to us, and a lot have to walk a really long way. They can't afford the bus---a disabled bus pass is $60 per month," explained Clark.

On her Facebook page yesterday, Family Day, Clark wrote, "The 14 people for breakfast and 67 for lunch - no buses, and minus a zillion at 9 a.m.! We let the people who had walked a long way for breakfast stay in the warm until lunchtime and enjoy second hot drinks and visit."

École Secondaire is the host once again for  The Coldest Night event.

Registration opens at 4 p.m., with the Opening Ceremonies beginning at 5 and the walk starting at 5:15.

The Gathering Place is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that strives to bring hope and healing to North Bay’s hungry. On an annual budget of $250,000, The Gathering Place serves an average of 33,150 meals per year through their breakfast and lunch programs.

Since opening in 2003, The Gathering Place has served over 270,000 meals to people in need in North Bay.

The Gathering Place also provides work opportunities for co-op students and college and university students on placement, community service hours for students, training and support for mental health patients and individuals with cognitive disabilities.

It's Community Garden generated 600 pounds of produce in last summer and their Community Kitchen teaches individuals to cook healthy, nutritious and cost-effective meals for family.

Jeff Turl

About the Author: Jeff Turl

Jeff is a veteran of the news biz. He's spent a lengthy career in TV, radio, print and online, covering both news and sports. He enjoys free time riding motorcycles and spoiling grandchildren.
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