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Police warn of: door-to-door scammers asking for donations

The scammers were reported to be canvassing in the Hammond and Regina St. area on December fifth
2015 11 23 door knock turl

North Bay police are warning of multiple reports of scammers in the city asking for donations to the Red Cross concerning the wildfires in BC. 

"The individuals, who were reported to be canvassing in the Hammond and Regina St. area on December fifth, had what appeared to be Red Cross ID badges on lanyards, and were asking for cash donations," says Constable Merv Shantz in a release.

"The Red Cross was contacted, and while they are running a local door-to-door campaign at this time, they are looking for monthly partners only and never ask for cash. They will also have identifying clothing and a clipboard with Red Cross information."

The man and woman asking for cash donations are described as;

  • Male – 25-30 years old, black pants and a black jacket
  • Female – mid-'30s with a grey puffy jacket and appeared to have tape over one eye.

Shantz says many scams are ongoing, especially during the holiday season.

Remember the following tips when dealing with people at your door, over-the-phone or on line.

  • If you do not want to donate any money, simply ignore the email or letter, hang up the phone, or say no to the person at your door.
  • Never give out personal information such as credit card or bank account numbers over the phone unless you made the call and the phone number belongs to a trusted source.
  • If you want to give money, research the charity to ensure it is legitimate. The Canada Revenue Agency has a searchable online database of all registered charities operating in Canada.