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Ontario’s forest management plan is working says report

Ontario’s forests encompass more than 70 million hectares, 56 million of which are public forests—an area larger than Spain

The Ontario government has released its State of Ontario’s Natural Resources – Forests 2021 report about the health and well-being of forests, communities and industry. Ontario’s Crown Forest Sustainability Act requires the government to report on the state of Ontario’s forests at least once every five years.

This is Ontario’s fifth report.

The 2021 report provides the results of 21 indicators specific to forest condition and forest management, including:

  • Forest composition, growth, wildlife habitat and forest carbon
  • Harvest and regeneration
  • Public engagement and Indigenous involvement in forest management planning
  • Forest sector employment and resource revenue sharing with Indigenous communities
  • Forest sector products and exports
  • Forest certification, audits and compliance

"These indicators show that Ontario’s forest policy framework ensures resilient and well-maintained forest resources, protecting the environment and biodiversity of its managed forests," says a news release.

“This report demonstrates that Ontario’s forest management plan is working and that wood harvested is sustainably sourced, and our forests continue to be renewed,” said Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. “We will continue to work with Indigenous communities, stakeholders and the public to unlock the potential of Ontario’s forests through sustainable forest management practices.”

The Ministry is responsible for managing public forests so that they remain healthy and continue to provide economic, environmental and social benefits to the people of Ontario.

The State of Ontario’s Natural Resources – Forests 2021 report can be accessed online here.