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Monique Smith ... or ... skipping record

Finally, after several attempts MPP Monique Smith attended council last night to answer questions about major concerns surrounding funding received by North Bay from The Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OM PF).
Finally, after several attempts MPP Monique Smith attended council last night to answer questions about major concerns surrounding funding received by North Bay from The Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OM PF).

When asked directly by Deputy Mayor Peter Chirico why the level of funding has not increased since 2001, Smith consistently alluded to other accomplishments such as the gas tax refund and the new ambulance bay. But seemed to side-step the fact that 3.2% of the tax burden carried by North Bay citizens is due to the lack of funding increases.

Although, she did eventually agree with council that the formula used to calculate OMPF has wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

“I think the people of Nipissing and North Bay know that my record stands for itself. I feel we have done a great deal for the community, so I was happy to respond to their concerns,” MPP Smith said.

She admitted that she had responded in the same manner as the last meeting held several months prior. “It’s a work in progress and I have brought forward the councils recommendation for changes and I will continue to do so,” she said.

Because council listened to a similar speech again without coming closer to a solution Deputy Mayor Chirico was not pleased with the out come of the meeting.

“I certainly appreciate that MPP Smith attended tonight’s meeting, but I don’t appreciate her not answering any questions regarding OMPF. We have been lobbying this issue for way too long. Its fine and dandy for our MPP to stand in front of us and say we received this and that, but at the end of the day we are talking about OMPF and the fact that it results in higher taxes for the people of North Bay,” Chirico said.

He added that it’s their job, whether questions are answered or not, to keep the interests of North Bay citizens in mind.

“I don’t want to hear about all the other things she is doing I want to hear that (OMPF) is being dealt with and that there is a solution,” he said.

There is a review of the OMPF formula coming out within the next six months, but unfortunately nothing will be done before the next tax season and it is unsure whether any results from the review will be of any consequence for the people of North Bay.

Last year North Bay received a one time 1 million dollar grant from OMPF, but one time grants don’t make it possible for taxes to be lowered in the city. North Bay is currently 1.6 million dollars short on OMPF funding.