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Learning The Rules

October 16th to 20th is School Bus Safety Week and in preparation for the week Constable Rick Tass reviewed the rules of bus safety with the primary students at St. Victor School in Mattawa.

October 16th to 20th is School Bus Safety Week and in preparation for the week Constable Rick Tass reviewed the rules of bus safety with the primary students at St. Victor School in Mattawa.

The main focus of the presentation helping the children recognize danger zones around the bus and co-operating with the bus driver in order avoid accidents. He reminded the children that that they need to sit properly, talk with friends but don’t yell and shout, and never stand when the bus is moving.

Tass told the youngsters," There are places your bus driver can’t see you, these are danger zones.”
“Work with your bus driver, look at them and wait until he gives you the OK to cross."

Bélanger Brownway Bus Lines helped with the event allowing the students from Kindergarten to grade three to practice what they had learned and to also practice exiting the bus via the emergency exits.

Parents, Teachers and Bus Drivers work together to make sure that the students are knowledgeable about the safety rules. Motorists also play a role in bus safety and should be aware of their responsibility in keeping children safe.

The school bus law states motorists traveling in both directions on a roadway must stop at least 20 metres before a bus when approaching a stopped school bus with its upper red lights flashing, and motorists may not proceed until the bus resumes motion and the red signal lights have stopped flashing.

Failure to stop can result in charges and a loss of six demerit points and fined anywhere from $400.00 to $2,000.00. Also vvehicle owners will be charged if their vehicle illegally passes a stopped school bus,

Bus safety is important and it is everyone’s responsibility to help keep school travel safe!

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