Kinsmen Club of North Bay
Media Release
Kin Canada presented a ceremonial cheque in the amount of $1 billion to the People of Canada and The World during its annual convention held in Saint John, New Brunswick last August.
The cheque, representing the cumulative amount given by Kin to Canadian and international communities
since 1920, was presented to then Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Michael Chong on Aug. 18 during the
Association’s Service Gala, which recognizes the service work performed throughout the year by Kinsmen,
Kinette, and Kin clubs.
“This staggering amount of money clearly demonstrates the phenomenal impact that volunteer efforts have
had on Canadian communities,” says Kin Canada Executive Director Ric McDonald. “Reaching the $1 billion
mark is a tremendous achievement for a Canadian service organization.”
Every year, Kin clubs contribute millions of dollars to Canadian communities. Last year more than $16 million was raised nationally; to say nothing of the countless volunteer hours spent on fundraising and service projects.
Kin Canada also raises, on average, $1 million annually for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, making Kin the largest single fundraising organization for CF research in Canada. Since 1964, Kinsmen and Kinettes have donated more than $34 million towards CF research.
“Our legacy has been one of consistent and significant contribution to Canadian communities. In light of the
ever increasing demands on community resources, the impact of our service work cannot be ignored and Kin is committed to building on that legacy,” says McDonald.
In fulfilling its motto of ‘Serving the Community’s Greatest Need,’ Kin’s 86-year history of service accomplishments include the $3 million raised to purchase and ship 50 million quarts of milk to British children during the Second World War; the $68 million raised through Saskatchewan-based Telemiracle annual telethons since their inception in 1977; the 520 Kin Canada student bursaries awarded totalling $520,000 over the past decade; and since 1994, the more than $224,000 donated to relief agencies assisting communities faced with large scale natural disasters.