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Kids take on adventures in cooking

The Adventures in Cooking! program teaches children how to prepare fresh foods and make healthy choices.
adventures in eating health unit 2016

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay and District, in partnership with the Health Unit, held their final feast for the Adventures in Cooking! program on March 21.

Guest chef, Laura Dubois, from White Owl Bistro, helped the children, aged 8 to 12 years old, prepare a homemade rosé sauce with pasta, topped with some freshly made meatballs.

During Nutrition Month, children from Big Brothers Big Sisters were provided with the five week Adventures in Cooking! program.

They made new recipes each week with the help of trained facilitators, learned food skills and gained confidence in the kitchen.

They brought home the new recipes they prepared, along with leftovers to share with their family.

People are preparing fewer meals from scratch at home and relying more on processed convenience foods. Therefore, food skills are not being transferred from parents to children the way they used to be.

The Adventures in Cooking! program teaches children how to prepare fresh foods and make healthy choices.

Big Brothers Big Sisters have partnered with the Health Unit for five years to provide food skills programming for their clients. The Health Unit provides training for community groups and schools to offer the Adventures in Cooking! program.

“Learning how to cook is an important skill for kids because it will give them the tools to make healthy meals and snacks rather than relying on pre-packaged processed food items,” says Kiera Mackenzie, Dietetic Intern

"What we are trying to do with this program is help our youth get a better understanding of what healthy food looks and tastes like. It is our hope that the skills and knowledge they learn through the program will help build their confidence and self-esteem, as well as their identity," added Kristin Malboeuf Caseworker Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay and Area