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Just 72 days to go till they are in their new home

With just 72 days to go until the new St. Luke School officially opens the Toros were treated to a sneak peak of the facility today.

With just 72 days to go until the new St. Luke School officially opens the Toros were treated to a sneak peak of the facility today.

The faces of the junior grade students were filled with wonderment and gasps of delight echoed through the state-of-the-art building as they viewed their new home.

Aimee Smart, 5, says there are no surprises to the school layout and she can’t wait start classes in the fall.

“Because I’m excited,” she states with a big smile.

She also sends out a big thank you to the architects and contractors, “because I really like the school.”

Before the students left the former St. Joseph School site they had an assembly where LEA architect Jean Larocque spoke to the students.

“Thank you for participating in the construction of your school,” he said.

“We listened to you very carefully and I think we have everything you requested.”

Principal Marcello Tignanelli applauded the students for their enthusiasm and cooperation as they pack up the school and prepare for the move.

“We’re ready to go!”