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Invest in Kids agrees that healthy habits must start early

Invest in Kids acknowledges the 2010 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Invest in Kids officials note according to the Report Card, Canadian kids five and younger are dangerously physically inactive.
Invest in Kids acknowledges the 2010 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Invest in Kids officials note according to the Report Card, Canadian kids five and younger are dangerously physically inactive. They say healthy habits must start young, as lifestyle patterns set in the early years predict obesity. Full details contained in the news release below.


Toronto - Invest in Kids supports the 2010 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth, released Tuesday by Active Healthy Kids Canada and its strategic partners, ParticipACTION and the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute - Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group (HALO).

According to the Report Card, Canadian kids five and younger are dangerously physically inactive. Healthy habits must start young, as lifestyle patterns set in the early years predict obesity and health outcomes in later childhood, and even through adulthood.

"We believe that it is important that parents with young children know how crucial physical activity is to their child's healthy development and that the earlier these behaviours are integrated and supported the better," says Karon Foster, Director of The Parenting Partnership at Invest in Kids. "Our research has shown that parents want to do the best job possible, but that they often struggle with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be successful. Reports like this one from Active Healthy Kids Canada, coupled with information and activities like the ones found on the website, help parents to realize that increased physical activity does not need to be difficult - it can be made a part of the everyday moments you share with your child."

Invest in Kids is a national charity dedicated to transforming the way that Canadian parents are educated and supported. With a focus on understanding the needs of all Canadian parents as a means to ensure positive outcomes for children, their experts have developed resources to help provide parents with the information they need to become the parents they dream of being.

Invest in Kids supports the findings of the Report Card and especially the importance of active play for children. Play is the work of children and parents are an essential partner in that work. When parents play with their child he or she learns to explore and discover the world and his role in it and they can set the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy habits. Using the Comfort, Play & Teach framework, Invest in Kids has developed activities and tips to help parents support their child's healthy physical development. The activities are easy to do and can be made a part of daily routines.

"We already know that the early years are a critical period of growth and development, but growing evidence tells us that physical activity must be a fundamental part of the early-life experience," says Dr. Mark Tremblay, Chief Scientific Officer, Active Healthy Kids Canada, and Director of HALO. "Studies show that children who are obese before six are likely to be obese later in childhood, and it is estimated that overweight two- to five-year-olds are four times as likely to become overweight as adults. Preschool obesity is on the rise in Canada, yet we do not have physical activity guidelines for children five and under."

The sixth annual Report Card reveals that less than half of Canadian kids under five are getting regular physical activity as part of their daily routines. Although international recommendations vary, children between the ages of one and five should participate in at least two hours of physical activity each day, accumulated over many sessions through play, games, active transportation and recreation.

"Active play may be fun, but it's not frivolous," says Dr. Tremblay. "In the early years, active play is required for healthy development, as it builds confidence and basic movement skills, and fosters social interaction, imaginations and self-esteem."

Unfortunately, Canadian kids of all ages continue to spend more time on the couch than on the playground, resulting in an F grade for Screen Time for the third year in a row. Disturbingly, 90 per cent of children begin watching TV before their second birthday, even though it is recommended that children under age two get zero screen time. Despite the negative impact of early childhood screen exposure, new e-parenting products continue to surface, and a recent survey shows that four of the 10 best-selling education apps in the iTunes store are aimed at children under four.

As our youngsters age, their physical activity levels are not improving. For the fourth year in a row, the Report Card assigns an F for Physical Activity Levels, as only 12 per cent of Canadian children and youth are meeting Canada's physical activity guidelines of 90 minutes a day. This year, we see no forward movement towards meeting targets of 17 per cent by 2015, as set out by provincial and territorial government ministers responsible for physical activity, recreation and sport. For the first time, this year's Report Card includes physical activity trends across each province and territory.

Also for the first time, this year's Report Card assigns an F for Federal Government Investment, down from last year's C grade for Federal Government Strategies and Investments.

"A new paper tells us that federal government spending on physical activity has declined dramatically since the 1980s," says Michelle Brownrigg, CEO of Active Healthy Kids Canada. "While we are seeing some success stories and some national commitments to encouraging sport and activity, spending at the federal level in real dollars per capita is half the amount that it was in 1986. We need to follow Michelle Obama's lead with the Let's Move campaign and put child and youth inactivity higher on the national agenda."

Physically active kids grow into strong, healthy adults. With healthcare costs spiraling upwards in Canada, it is essential that our society build the foundation for a healthier, more active population by supporting and encouraging families, at all levels, to get their kids moving.

"As parents, we have the power to influence the long-term health of our kids through physical activity," says Kelly Murumets, President and CEO, ParticipACTION. "We can put our children and youth on the path to active lives by encouraging household habits that limit screen time, include outdoor play and build family time around moving more."

Among the 21 grades assigned in the Report Card, key grades include:

* "F" for Active Play

* "C-" for Physical Education

* "D" for Family Physical Activity

* "B" for Proximity and Accessibility to physical activity

* "D" for Usage of Facilities, Programs, Parks and Playgrounds

Invest in Kids is a national charity dedicated to transforming the way Canadian parents are educated and supported. Our vision is a country where all parents are the parents they dream of being, all children reach their full potential and parents and children are valued and supported in the communities in which they live and work. For more information visit
